
June 04, 2021


esbuild 的watch模式实现是一个优化版的轮训。不用os的 fs是因为 portability(这里存疑?)


Watch mode in esbuild is implemented using polling instead of OS-specific file system APIs for portability. The polling system is designed to use relatively little CPU vs. a more traditional polling system that scans the whole directory tree at once. The file system is still scanned regularly but each scan only checks a random subset of your files, which means a change to a file will be picked up soon after the change is made but not necessarily instantly.

With the current heuristics, large projects should be completely scanned around every 2 seconds so in the worst case it could take up to 2 seconds for a change to be noticed. However, after a change has been noticed the change’s path goes on a short list of recently changed paths which are checked on every scan, so further changes to recently changed files should be noticed almost instantly.

每次扫描都只扫描一部分文件,发现变化的文件,之后这个文件的更新 就能被立刻注意到。


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Written by Colgin who lives and works in China, focus on web development. You can comment on github